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The Rittner Horn

The Ritten Horn (2,270 m) is one the most beautiful panoramic scenes to be found in the Alps. The view goes from the Ortles glaciers to the west to the legendary Dolomites to the east, from the Stubaital Alps of the Zillertal to the north to the Presanella and Adamello to the south, where also the massive Brenta Dolomites stand out. The Rittnerhorn can be reached by cablecar (from Pemmern to the Schwarzseespitze) or walking along the path through the wood. The excursion to Ritten is especially indicated for families, children and seniors because it is effortless and short. It takes one hour only to reach the peak.

The most beautiful skytour of the Dolomites

This beautiful hike starts at the Schwarzseespitze, which is easily reachable by taking the Rittnerhorn cable car in Pemmern. Once there, follow the signs for “Panoramarundweg”. The path is lined with picturesque descriptions of the two dominant tree species: the mountain pine and the stone pine.
On your way towards Gasthof Unterhorn, where you will find a panoramic map showing the surrounding mountain peaks, you will pass the “Round table” and the “Dolomitoskop”, art pieces from Franz and David Messner. The unique Alpine rock garden near the Unterhorn hosts a wide range of colourful alpine flowers.
This challenging hike will then take you through the mountain pastures of Barbian to the mountain-pine-oil distillery, the mystical space of the “Pfannenstiel” and finally to the highest point of the route. The 360° view you can enjoy throughout the path is breathtaking. It is with good reason, that the Rittnerhorn is known as the most beautiful panoramic mountain in South Tyrol: On days with a clear view, you get to see over 40 Alpine 3,000-meter-peaks at one glance. At the beginning of the last century, renowned Alpinist Ludwig Purtscheller said: “Whoever wants to see Tyrol with one glance, must climb this mountain".
The walking-tour takes you through Ritten’s mountain meadows to the new alpine cabin (not open to the public). Continuing your trek on the “Hay trail” – lined with comfortable seating arrangements and large wooden feeders – you will arrive at the Feltunerhütte restaurant. From there, you can comfortably walk back to the cable car station at the Schwarzseespitze.

Restaurants on the path, such as Gasthaus Schwarzseespitze, Gasthof Unterhornhaus, Schutzhaus Rittner Horn, and Jausenstation Feltunerhütte, serve regional specialties and homemade delicacies – they feature Stone-pine-nuts and mountain pine as well as liquor made from

Barthlmä on Corno del Renon

In summer the Rittnerhorn is used as pasture for cows, horses and sheep. The most important appointment of the year is on 24th August, when the transhumance takes place, accompanied by the “Barthlmähmarkt”, a typical market, and by a popular festivity that nobody on the Ritten plateau misses.

Every year on august 24th we make a feast on the Corno del Renon, we call it “Barthlmä”. This celebration is very important for the farmer, but not only for there. It´s a popular feast, which begins in the morning at 10 o’clock with music. At 12 o’clock the animals will be called and the farmers look how the animals are.
St. Bartholomew’s Day fete and market to bring the cows down from the high pastures on the Rittner Meadow. The animals enter at noon. A fete at Pemmern from 12 noon.