
Living Responsibility: Our GSTC Audit

For us, sustainability means one thing above all: responsibility. Responsibility for the nature that surrounds us. Responsibility for our team, who work with so much passion. And responsibility for the people who choose to spend their precious time here – our guests.
Today, we completed our annual GSTC audit once again. If you think it's just a formality, think again. It’s a thorough process that examines not only ecological aspects but also economic and social ones – in great detail.
It can be challenging, but that’s exactly what makes it so valuable: improving a little more each year. Learning, growing, and constantly evolving. Because responsibility never ends – it grows with us.
A huge thank you today to Elena and the Vireo team, who guide us through this process and always provide us with valuable insights. Thank you for challenging and supporting us! 🌿
For us, sustainability is not just a buzzword; it’s an attitude. And we are proud to keep moving forward on this path – together with all of you.
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Our lake tales the blog

Tales and moments, mysticism and magic

History or stories? Dream or reality? The boundaries between reality and fiction blur almost imperceptibly. The cuckoo murmurs, the pine whispers, the little brook gurgles. And they all tell stories of their experiences and fantasies. Around the Wolfsgrubner Lake.