
Marie's Easter Miracle.

That morning, as the first rays of sun gilded the peaks of the surrounding mountains, something wonderful happened. Marie's mother entered her room with shining eyes. "Marie, there's good news," she said with a voice trembling with joy. "Your brother can come home today. He is much better."
When her brother finally arrived, his face was radiant with happiness, and in his eyes was a glow that seemed brighter than the morning sun on the lake. Marie hugged him tightly and whispered to him that she had prepared a little Easter miracle for him. Together, they went to the lake shore, where a small decorated boat was waiting for them.

On the water, surrounded by the quiet splendor of the lake, Marie read her brother the Easter story she had written for him. She told of the magic of spring, the power of hope, and the love that can move mountains. Her little brother listened with shining eyes, and when she finished, he hugged her tightly. "Thank you, Marie," he whispered. "This is the most beautiful Easter gift."

In that moment, as the sun reached its highest point in the sky and its light gently fell on the lake, everyone present knew they had witnessed a small miracle. A miracle that not only brought the little brother home but also brought the hearts of all people a little closer together.

And so, the Easter morning at the lake ended, not only with the return of a beloved brother but also with the memory of the indomitable power of hope and love, capable of enlightening the darkest and overcoming the most difficult.
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Tales and moments, mysticism and magic

History or stories? Dream or reality? The boundaries between reality and fiction blur almost imperceptibly. The cuckoo murmurs, the pine whispers, the little brook gurgles. And they all tell stories of their experiences and fantasies. Around the Wolfsgrubner Lake.