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How do you imagine the last months of the year will be?

We, up here on the Ritten, believe that between the rosy outlook and the grey forecast there is always a reassuring middle ground... golden!

Just like the colour palette of autumn. After all, the autumn season is knocking at the Weihrerhof's door... with the gold of its sunbeams and tree foliage.

We are convinced that, come what may, recharging your batteries, looking for the positive in every circumstance and discovering a more conscious approach to life, can convey a strong sense of well-being. And the best place to do this is in the forests of the Ritten, during a holiday for the mind... and the body!

Because some things NEVER change. Thankfully! Once again this year, the honey yellow of the larches is reflected in the water of the lake. And the contrast with the blue autumn sky once again enhances the warm colours of the forest.

Let the warmth of the autumnal hues warm you up!