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From Easter.

Where body and soul become one

When the body feels good, the soul is set free. When the soul is free, the body can start to shine.
Being healthy starts in the head. And can reach as far as the little toes. Beauty begins in the heart. And causes the whole body to radiate.

Our massages can offer just that: a benevolent fusion of body and soul. Thoughts float away, the moment lingers. Completeness: I.

We wish you unforgettable encounters with your body and soul.
  • Strength – Energy – Growth
    These treatments fortify and strengthen from within, igniting new drive and making expansion possible. The foundation for growth lies in deep roots and nourishing energy.
  • Stability – Grounding
    These treatments are both relaxing and harmonizing, creating the ideal conditions for enhanced body awareness, greater stability, and a sense of freedom through letting go and receiving.
  • Balance – Centering – Being
    These treatments put the self in focus – or is it the focus itself? Because anyone seeking realignment must first find their center. Anyone who wants to become must first be. And for everything that wishes to unfold in life, the essential foundation is always: balance.

Celitic moments - Signature Treatments

Celic moments - massages

Gan meáchan - Compresses in the floating bed

Cosmaidí & áilleacht - Facial treatments

Lámha agus na cosa - Manicure and pedicure

Spa Packages